Published on Oct. 18, 2018
Shaping our future together
Connecting industry leaders is important. Economy and efficiency have driven the industry for many years and many improvements have been realized. With the arrival of generation Y (also known as Millennials) in management positions, we are looking at a generation that grew up in a world marked by an increased use and familiarity with communications, media and digital technologies. This generation, the future industry leaders, representing about 1/3 of the world population, look to others, such as the companies they do business with, for collaboration and solutions. This is one of the reasons we organize the following events.
Pork Vision: Consumer drive
What drives generations Y and Z, our current and future consumers is the central theme of the 17th edition of the event Hendrix Genetics created for the pork industry many years ago. Pork Vision, previously named Hypor Convention, is taking place in Spain this week. With a great number of high caliber speakers, with thought provoking topics, we are sure to spark interesting conversation among the attendees about the consumer drive.
Turkey Vision
Two years ago, we created Turkey Vision, a global conference series with topics ranging from current issues to longer term strategic challenges and opportunities. The first Turkey Vision conference was held in Poland in 2016 with attendees from Eastern Europe and Russia. The second Turkey Vision took place in Canada in 2017, gathering together leaders from North and South America to focus on the future of the industry.
Hendrix Genetics Academy
At the Hendrix Genetics Academy, organized every two or three years, we gather leading scientists and industry researchers to discuss the future of breeding and genetics. We explore the areas where genetics and genomics can contribute to ‘responsible innovation’. We look for ways to make a positive difference in agricultural sustainability.
Future proof solutions
Organizing these events and bringing the people together is time-consuming, but in our opinion, absolutely necessary. Considering the growing concerns on the sustainability of the current systems, it goes without saying that creating solutions together is an absolute must. However, we need to ensure these solutions are future proof as the next generation will look at things differently.
The current generations X and Y, who are highly involved in creating today’s solutions, have to realize that generation Z, people born from 1997 onwards have entered universities and are eligible to vote. More important to realize is that Gen Z’ers have never known a non-digital world. Most of Generation Z have used the Internet since a young age, and they are generally comfortable with technology and with interacting on social media. An interesting topic that will probably pop up at one of our next events.
Stay tuned and we hope to welcome you somewhere in the future.