Laying Hens
We aim to provide value at every stage of the egg value chain from breeding and genetics to delivering healthy, best quality eggs to the end consumer. We have always embraced the past to catch the future, and as a result of our strong history in poultry breeding, Hendrix Genetics has over 100 years of experience in layer breeding and genetics. We offer a regional approach for each market by offering different layer breeds marketed under our strong layer brands.
Download our product resources below for more information
- Bovans_White_CS_product_guide_cage_EN_L1211-1a (2.8 MB)
- Bovans_White_CS_product_leaflet_cage_L1211-1a. (1.5 MB)
- Bovans_Brown_CS_product_guide_cage_EN_L1211-1 (3.1 MB)
- Bovans_Brown_CS_product_leaflet_cage_L1211-1 (1.6 MB)
- Bovans_Black_CS_product_guide_cage_EN_L1211-1 (3.1 MB)
- Bovans_Black_CS_product_leaflet_cage_L1211-1 (1.7 MB)
- Shaver_White_CS_product_guide_cage_EN_L1211-1 (4.3 MB)
- Shaver_White_CS_cage_housing_leaflet_English_L1211-1 (405.1 KB)
- Shaver Brown CS cage housing guide English (4.6 MB)
- Shaver_Brown_CS_cage_housing_leaflet_English__L1211-1 (357.7 KB)
- Shaver Black cs cage housing guide English (4.5 MB)
- Shaver Black CS cage housing leaflet English (357.5 KB)