Colored broiler breeding
Since 2017 Hendrix Genetics is actively involved in breeding traditional broilers with our brand SASSO. A logical step as traditional broilers is the largest segment in traditional poultry.
SASSO has been involved in the breeding of traditional broilers since the late 60s when the first ‘Label Rouge’ poultry was created. To provide the producers with French day old chicks, SASSO was founded, dedicated to the selection of traditional colored lines.
With the extensive product portfolio of SASSO added to the business, we are now able to offer: red chickens, naked-neck yellow skin, red with white skin, naked-neck black feathers and so on. The various traditional breeds offer a chance to enjoy the true taste of tradition

Traditional layer breeding
Since the start of Hendrix Genetics breeding of laying hens is an important part of our company. Through acquisition and consolidation Hendrix Genetics has gathered a wide variety of lines. Beside the application of this genetic diversity in professional breeding programs aimed at performance and quality, we supply the original breeds to niche markets.
The rising trend of free range and the addition of eggs to the 'Label Rouge' concept in 1998, traditional layers have become popular again with a wider audience.
Traditional layer breeding is beside the colors of the feathers, very much focused on egg color and appearance. Customers are clearly looking more and more for differentiation in their egg consumption.