Revolutionary Kipster Layer Farm Opened

Publicado em 1 de Novembro de 2017

Revolutionary Kipster Layer Farm Opened

In September the first Kipster farm was officially opened. This is the most state-of-the-art layer farm in the world. Hendrix Genetics is a proud partner in this concept and the first Dekalb White laying hens to be housed at Kipster have already been delivered.

Many innovations on one farm

  • This farm concept is designed around the instincts and needs of the chicken
  • 1,100 solar panels make the farm energy-positive
  • Fuel emissions are limited to an absolute minimum using energy systems not used in the agricultural sector before
  • The facility includes an area for visitors and a centre for education and information
  • The chickens eat newly developed feed made from surplus foodstuffs from the food industry which minimizes the environmental impact and do not compete with food for human consumption

The eggs will be sold directly to Lidl, one of the major retailers in Europe. Lidl will also sell the meat of the male chicks. Lidl is the first retailer in The Netherlands to do this.

Development of the Kipster farm concept

Kipster is an initiative of four entrepreneurs combing expertise in the fields of poultry, sustainability, farming and communication. Four years of development went into the design of the Kipster farm. This project is truly unique as it involved numerous parties including animal welfare and sustainability organizations in the design phase. The end result is a farm concept that is future proof, flexible and scalable.

Ruud Zanders of Kipster: “Lots of innovations, and plain old common sense, make Kipster the most state-of-the-art layer farm in the world. We have the ambition to conquer the world with this innovative concept.”

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